Aesop's Fables
Hrsg. Jerry Pinkney
Jerry Pinkney
Sea Star Books by Jerry Pinkney, New York
Zürcher Oberland
Sammlung mit Farbbildern

The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf 11

The Grasshopper and the Ants 12

The Stag and His Reflection 14

The Cat, the Rooster, and the Mouse 15

The North Wind and the Sun 16

The Heifer and the Ox 18

The Tortoise and the Hare 19

The Donkey and the Lapdog 21

The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing 22

The Lark and Her Children 23

The Mice and the Weasels 24

The Boy and the Almonds 26

The Stork and the Cranes 26

Androcles and the Lion 28

The Donkey's Shadow 30

The Fox and the Goat 31

The Miser 32

The Troublesome Dog 33

The Milkmaid and Her Pail 35

The Pig and the Sheep 36

The Roosters and the Eagle 37

The Miller, His Son, and Their Donkey 38

The Fox and the Pheasants 40

The Lion and the Mouse 41

The Oxen end the Wagon Wheels 44

The Dog in the Manger 44

The Gnat and the Bull 45

The Fox and the Stork 46

The Wolf and the House Dog 48

The Fox and the Grapes 49

The Goose and the Golden Eggs 50

The Sheperd and the Wild Goats 52

The Bundle of Sticks 53

King Log and King Stork 55

The Donkey and the Load of Salt 56

The Peacock's Tail 57

The Man and the Lion 58

The Fisherman and His Catch 58

The Astrologer 60

The Horse and the Stag 61

The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse 62

The Sick Lion 64

The Gardener and His Dog 65

The Boy Who Went Swimming 65

The Travelers and the Bear 67

The Fox and the Crow 68

The Wolf and the Crane 69

Little Crab and His Grandmother 70

The Donkey in the Lion's Skin 71

The Crow and the Pitcher 72

The Children and the Frogs 74

The Travelers and the Gold Coins 75

The Boasting Traveler 76

The Ant and the Dove 76

The Dog and the Bone 78

The Lion and the Gnat 79

The Wolf and the Shepherd 79

The Oak and the Reeds 80

The Rooster and the Fox 82

Belling the Cat 83

The Mermaid and the Woodcutter 84

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