Haiseb and the Man who Cooked Himself - And Other Folktales from the Khoi of Namibia
Sigrid Schmidt, V. V. Eiases
Sarie Maritz
Macmillan Windhoek

1   The children who were born from eggs

9   How the jackal stole the milk from the people

13  The boy and the man-eater

21  The two men who went out to hunt a hyena

25  Haiseb and Mrs Drinking-Brush

29  Haiseb and Mrs Darkness

33  The little boy and the warriors

39  The riding-animal of the jackal

45  "Give me water!"

49  The lion and the baboon

53  The girl who married into the springbok people

59  The poor woman and her cripple son

63  The jackal and the man who had his eyes on his feet

67  The argument of the elephant and the rain

71  The girl who was brought up by a hyena

77  Haiseb and the man who cooked himself

81  The man who had a lazy horse

85  The chicken hen and the falcon hen

89  Haiseb and Little Haiseb, Lion and Little Lion

97  The hunteer and the three elephant girls

105 When the stars, the moon and the sun came out of Haiseb

111 Okombahe - Wet Leg

115 Aga-abes

123 The girl who found an egg in the veld

129 Haiseb and the man-eating woman

135 The dance of the animals

139 The chameleon and his twenty wives

145 The Damara and the Nama language

149 The women who were married to elephants


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